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Showing posts from October, 2017

Get involved!

I am currently working on a film project with Different Voices and I am looking for people with Tourette Syndrome to help me in my research. As part of my film I hope to communicate to the audience the physical experience of TS through moving images and dance.  I am looking for people of all ages who have TS to describe their experiences in the form of a single image/picture. You can either send me an image or describe it in text or both. For example: 'Tourettes feels like shaking up a bottle of coke and taking off the lid'. I would love to hear from as many people as possible.  You can also email me to express interest or send through your ideas.

Tic Project- Different Voices

Having a creative approach to my Tourette Syndrome has been important to me so far in my recent diagnosis.  Having a creative mind has almost allowed me to see my TS as a project.  Using my TS as a stimulus for creativity has given me a more positive outlook on the whole experience, and the down days can be spent dreaming up ideas and plans for new dances, community projects or movies.  Today, with my fellow dancer friends of Far Flung Dance Theatre, we made a dance sequence comprised of some of my most commonly reoccurring tics.  We booked a couple of hours in the dance studio and began to explore them together.  It was important that I worked with my friends as I wanted to know what they could see when I tic, I could see my involuntary movements being made voluntary right in front of my eyes, in the form of dance. The choreographic process was familiar to us, we used descriptive words to initiate movement material.   We scanned through a list of nea...

Tourette's and Tics Adult Group

In November myself, and two other people with TS are starting a new Plymouth based meet up group for adults in a very trendy cafe!  We want to start this group to meet like minded people,  and to give adults the opportunity to share experiences of TS and Tics. This group is for adult's with Tourette Syndrome/tics and all things in between. Tourette  Syndrome often occurs with  other  related conditions (also called co-occurring conditions). It is important to know that people with conditions such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder  (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive  disorder  (OCD) are welcome to come along...infact, we have an open doors policy, t his is a fully inclusive group and open to all.   Y ou might be someone interested in TS? Or know someone that has TS and want to find out more.  So come along and j oin us for a coffee!   We meet every 1st Monday of the month at Prime Cafe- on Ebrington Street. If you have any...

Tic Tactics

Here are my top 10 things that help my tics (in no particular order): 1. Walking, gym, dancing (sometimes can stimulate the tics if over excited!) 2. Drawing, writing, arty stuff!  - Focusing on one task at a time is really helpful. 3. Taking time out to tic, let it out! - Don't hold it in for too long. 4. Focusing on a project. 5. Down time...TV, sofa, glass of wine ;) 6. Talking about TS and stresses that are currently feeding your TS. 7. Swimming in the sea, being surrounded by nature. 8. Not drinking tooo much coffee- (but don't be so hard on yourself!) 9. Getting to bed early. 10. Going out, having fun with friends, going to festivals and dancing the night away...continuing to be just as you are! We all have different way of coping with TS, it is worth taking some time to figure out what those things are. Comment below- what are your top tic tactics??