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Showing posts from March, 2018

Employment and TS

Tourettes Action shared a very insightful webinar on YouTube this week,  this is useful to anyone struggling at the moment with work, and managing tics! It could also be useful for those with hidden disability and sensory processing type conditions that impact day to day work life. It has helped me realise that I have been struggling with my confidence, and ability to say what I need in order to succeed.  I avoid situations, and I feel anxious.  This webinar has prompted me to contact Access to Work- a government scheme that helps to assess what you need in the work place. See links below for more information. Useful links:

My Story for Dreadnaught South West

My name is Clair Beckett,  I am 30 years old and I am dance artist based in Plymouth. In May 2017 I was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome. I have always been involved in disability arts and have been developing an integrated dance practice for the last 10 years, creating more opportunities for disabled people.  I have spent this time fighting for the recognition of disability led work, progression routes and pathways into employment.  My ambition was to carve a pathway of inclusion and acceptance for all. Now, here I am, a 30 year old female identifying as having a disability. A strange coincidence. I’m still trying to work out if this is luck or irony. Fortunately my creative work has always led me to surround myself with people who have similar aspirations, to maintain strong support networks and grasp every opportunity.  However, when I step out of this world, I am beginning to gain first hand experience of the difficulty in finding the right support… I h...