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Hidden Voices- Grace and Eczema

This is the third interview of my blog series 'Hidden Voices.'
Hidden Voices shines a spotlight on talented local people based in and around Plymouth
(and Cornwall for this interview!)
This blog gives a platform for those who wish to talk about an element of their life that they keep secret
or hide from society.The more I speak out about TS the more I gain understanding of it. When I speak to people or
write about it,  I feel like I can be comfortable with with it, I get to know it. I can also see parallels between
different conditions and the experiences can be so similar.
Speaking loud and proud about my condition has given me opportunities to connect to a diverse
community of people and it has given me a whole new perspective to the work I create.  Since posting
and vlogging I have had a fair amount of people come to me saying that it has inspired them to
‘come out’ about something they might have been hiding. This is the inspiration behind this blog series.
I met Grace back in 2009/2010 I think. We worked on a dance project together with Attik Dance and
since then I have always admired her and the way she dances, she is gorgeous!  She is a tough
cookie. I have enjoyed witnessing Grace dangling from harnesses towering above audiences at
crazy heights with Aerial dance companies and have most recently been drawn to her fascinating
instagram page all about what her life is like living with Eczema. I was fascinated by her story, and the unknown
and hidden parts of this condition that often are occurring behind closed doors, or hidden under clothes!

What is your name?
Grace Sellwood
What do you do?
I’m a contemporary dancer, vertical dancer, bungee dancer, Pilates instructor, Aerial Pilates instructor,
University Lecturer at Falmouth University, Co-Director of Freefall Dance.
What do you do for the pure love of it? Dancing my heart out, live music, sitting with sunshine on my face,
sea swims, windy walks, deep soul chats, travelling, hanging off buildings and cliffs doing somersaults...
the list goes on!
Would you mind telling me a little bit about why you started your Instagram page?
A good question, with many answers! All my life I have been trying my hardest to hide eczema from
everyone, even my family! Wearing certain clothes, covering up with make up when I can, subtly
moisturising as often as I can, and avoiding cameras as well as pretending my hardest that I don’t
have it. And it takes up a lot of my energy - I thought WHY on earth am I using up energy on this
where I could use up energy on something more worthwhile?! I also don’t think most people realise
how debilitating the condition can actually be - it is most definitely much more than a rash, it can affect
you significantly: mentally, physically and psychologically. The last flare up I had, I felt so alone - not
because no one cared, I had a lot of people that were looking after me, but I felt as though I needed to
talk to other people with the same condition. So because of all these factors, I decided to brave it and
share it with the world!
What would be the biggest challenge you face with your condition?
How it affects my relationships with others, and also the relationship with my body.
Sometimes my skin is so inflamed and raw, just the thought about straightening or bending an arm or
leg becomes a dread, and if I do it, it’s excruciatingly painful. When my skin is like this, the last thing
my body can do is be physical - which usually brings me so much joy - I can’t train, dance, or
sometimes walk and because of this I become very low. Skin is your biggest organ, so if your biggest
organ is diseased and fighting against infection, it’s going to affect you massively right?
It affects my relationship with others as I can’t behave in the way I would normally do, I get very upset
that I can’t snuggle up with someone, get physically close (don’t want them to see my skin close up!)
give someone my full happy attention or even have the energy to go out for a cuppa. It’s just frustrating.
A massive challenge I face is teaching when my skin is inflamed - not just from a visual point of view,
but from pain, nausea and lack of enjoyment - I don’t usually feel well enough to be there, but I
Has living with Eczema been something you have been open about or something you hide?
I have never really been that open about it. Especially when I was younger, I thought ignoring it would
make it go away. I find it very embarrassing, shaming, and makes me feel very unattractive. So no, not
really. I have tried to hide it from my family as much as I could as I know it makes them very sad to see
me when i’m having a flare up (sometimes it’s impossible though!) I think I was successful in hiding it
from a lot of people, because of the response I've received since I posted my instagram on my
facebook - I don’t know whether that’s an achievement or not!
If you could make one invention that would make a part of your life a little smoother,
what would it be?
An ingenious machine that could tell you exactly what you needed to do to prevent
flare ups/ eczema sessions. Every person is different, and has so many variations (i.e. food/ stress/
environment/ leaky gut) and eczema is just an individual's achilles heel -just like other conditions I
guess. Imagine if you knew exactly what you needed to do to manage the condition? Blooming
amazing. Or…..a room in your house that when you went into it, you were then on an island in the med with beautifully warm sunshine. Is that ever going to be possible?!
Does your condition give you a gift, or have a positive impact on your life in any way?
Yes! I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. You just have to look for the lesson/ idea
your condition is giving you, the reason it’s there. The appreciation I have from when I get a break
from eczema is incredible, I look at my skin is such a different way and I celebrate even the smallest
development! It has also taught me, or still teaching me, self acceptance, mindfulness, the importance
of slowing down, the importance of joy in your life, the importance of fulfilling my need to do adrenaline
fueled things, and also the importance of friends and family to help give you that extra boost when
you need it (and in hope that I can offer that similar feeling back to them when they need it).
What is the one message you would really like to get across about your condition?
I would just like for people to have a greater awareness of eczema and how it makes people feel.
The impact it has on them mentally as well as physically. A hug always goes a long way, much more
than a concerned look. And just because they look good one day, does not mean that it’s ‘not that bad’!
What projects you are involved in at the moment and how others might be able to get involved?
Ooo dance projects? I teach a weekly adult contemporary class in Falmouth with Freefall Dance -
please get in touch if you fancy getting moving. For all ages (16+) we have such a good time, such a
warm welcoming happy group! I also teach Pilates with Cscape Pilates, and have also just qualified in
teaching Aerial Pilates - watch this space for these classes coming soon! The best place to look is on
my website :) Oh, and I perform regularly for Wired Aerial Theatre - look them up they’ve been
massively inspiring to me!

Grace Performing with Wired Aerial Theatre

Any other thoughts or things you want to say?
Just that i’m around if anyone is going through anything similar, I think talking, chatting and laughing
together is the way forward. And to remember, for anyone with any condition not to be ashamed, and
you are not alone.
You inspire me a great deal!
Could you tell me someone that inspires you and your favourite quote by them…?
I have three (hope that’s ok?!):
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” Lao Tzu (This quotes makes me believe
everything is possible - please dip into the Tao Te Ching - so much wisdom in there!)
No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is
viscous.” Henry Adams (ponder on that one!)
“You have to love dancing to stick to it. It gives you nothing back, no manuscripts to store away, no
paintings to show on walls and maybe hang in museums, no poems to be printed and sold, nothing
but that single fleeting moment when you feel alive. It is not for unsteady souls.” Merce Cunningham
(This one sums up my relationship with dance!)
Can you tell me about your instagram page here: links hashtags etc

Instagram: eczemadiaries_

Instagram: grraciesell


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